Maasai Men against FGM!


Friends, I take this opportunity to welcome you to make this move fast and strong. Maasai men against female genital mutilation is a cause which has been streaming out of many of us, the Maasai men, who are fed up with extreme and harmful practices in our culture. We have accepted the challenge! We will take the action to stop violence against our sisters. We are ready to stop all discriminatory and retrogressive cultures that is hurting the girl-child in our society. Help us to achieve our goal.

This home page welcomes everybody. Anybody can become a member as long as you support us in our struggle. However, Maasai men are demanded to act now because it is about the Maasai nation which is exposed to extinction. You cannot wait unless you are against us. We are assured that nothing is going to stop us.
 Maasai men are very strong actors and inheritors of their society's collective identity, culture and other moral values. 
We have been brought up as a people and trained to withhold higher levels of dignity and togetherness. However, there are so many cultural traditions which a very harmful, not only to members of our society whom we are entitled to protect, but to our very own collective existence.We live in a modern world which is changing every day.Other ethnic groups are changing with the trends in order to adapt and survive.

 Most of them have lost something they dearly treasure, but they are doing quit well as we can witness. Fairly well,, despite having lost part of their identity and dignity from their previous cultural identity but from which they have gained significantly from their new adapted identities These groups have now grown to becoming more conscious to their survival than all of us.
The paradox is that we as a Maa people claim to be sensitive towards our dignity but we exploit the very fundamental rights of our own women as if we care less if we will have any woman who will give birth to our children and secure our people a possible future. A society which care less against its women is like a nation which cares less against its nation state.
 Our woman is our Nation and she is our future. Without her, the Maasai can simply pull off the plug and let it go the struggle for equal recognition. For us as men to be respected, we must first respect the women we have at home. If we cannot protect the rights of the women we have at home, how can we stand up and claim to protect an entire nation like Kenya?
If we are not men enough to care for our wives and daughters, our sisters and mothers, how then can we dream of caring for other ethnic groups or regions? Our pride is in our women!
 I wonder how we let ignorance and violence, to violate and mutilate the most private and sensitive part of our women (Nation) in the name of culture and tradition and we drink Aloe Vera white wine for it as ask the warriors to slaughter the most blessed bullock for the society to feast and dine. We are not men enough until our sisters are free from the razor! Join us and make us agents of change!
Please contribute towards this forum with your words and action.
To become a contributor, send join us through the facebook group and drop your advice there. send a mail to the administrator and tell if you want to become an administrator or editor. We need every help you can offer us.
Most welcome.

Stop FGM in Maasailand now!

They say charity begins at home. OK! now here we go and we begin from the plains of our homes as we take the call home to our mothers and fathers.
 The call to safe your sister before you can safe anybody else!  If you can do that, then you can also safe my sister or any other person out there.
 Safe that strong woman who, just because she happen to be born a woman is not equally respected as you. Safe her from the CUT.
 The result? a flourishing Maa society with very powerful women who participate on equal terms to building our modern society for the sake us all and for the coming generations. This is our call. (Picture borrowed from buzzvines)